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This search, performed through 2.14 MB (338 documents, 3448 words), completed in 0.4 seconds and yielded 17 results.

Sales SalesOrderHeader (table) — 10.5%

[...] SubTotal is updated IF UPDATE([SubTotal]) BEGIN DECLARE @StartDate datetime, @EndDate datetime SET @StartDate = [dbo].[ufnGetAccountingStartDate](); SET @EndDate = [dbo].[ufnGetAccountingEndDate](); UPDATE [Sales].[SalesPerson] SET [Sales].[SalesPerson].[SalesYTD] = (SELECT SUM([Sales].[SalesOrderHeader].[SubTotal]) FROM [Sales].[SalesOrderHeader] WHERE [Sales].[SalesPerson].[SalesPersonID] = [Sales].[SalesOrderHeader].[SalesPersonID] AND ([Sales].[SalesOrderHeader].[Status] [...]

Sales SalesTerritoryHistory (table) — 10.5%

[...] SalesTerritory.SalesTerritoryID. StartDate datetime not null Date the sales representive started work in the territory. EndDate datetime null Date the sales representative left work in the territory. rowguid uniqueidentifier not null (newid()) ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. ModifiedDate datetime not null (getdate()) Date and time the record was last updated. Primary Key Primary Key Columns PK_SalesTerritoryHistory_SalesPersonID_StartDate_TerritoryID SalesPersonID, TerritoryID, StartDate Indexes Index Type [...]

Production ProductCostHistory (table) — 10.5%

[...] identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID StartDate datetime not null Product cost start date. EndDate datetime null Product cost end date. StandardCost money not null Standard cost of the product. ModifiedDate datetime not null (getdate()) Date and time the record was last updated. Primary Key Primary Key Columns PK_ProductCostHistory_ProductID_StartDate ProductID, StartDate Check Constraints Check Constraint Expression Description CK_ProductCostHistory_

Production WorkOrder (table) — 10.5%

[...] not null Quantity that failed inspection. StartDate datetime not null Work order start date. EndDate datetime null Work order end date. DueDate datetime not null Work order due date. ScrapReasonID smallint null Reason for inspection failure. ModifiedDate datetime not null (getdate()) Date and time the record was last updated. Primary Key Primary Key Columns PK_WorkOrder_WorkOrderID WorkOrderID Indexes Index Type Columns IX_WorkOrder_ProductID ProductID IX_WorkOrder_ScrapReasonID ScrapReasonID Check Constraints Check Constraint [...]

Production ProductListPriceHistory (table) — 10.5%

[...] identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID StartDate datetime not null List price start date. EndDate datetime null List price end date ListPrice money not null Product list price. ModifiedDate datetime not null (getdate()) Date and time the record was last updated. Primary Key Primary Key Columns PK_ProductListPriceHistory_ProductID_StartDate ProductID, StartDate Check Constraints Check Constraint Expression Description CK_ProductListPriceHistory_

Production BillOfMaterials (table) — 10.5%

[...] StartDate datetime not null (getdate()) Date the component started being used in the assembly item. EndDate datetime null Date the component stopped being used in the assembly item. UnitMeasureCode nchar(3) not null Standard code identifying the unit of measure for the quantity. BOMLevel smallint not null Indicates the depth the component is from its parent (AssemblyID). PerAssemblyQty decimal(8, 2) not null ((1.00)) Quantity of the component needed to create the assembly. ModifiedDate datetime not null (getdate()) Date and time the record was last updated. [...]

HumanResources EmployeeDepartmentHistory (table) — 10.5%

[...] to Shift.Shift.ID. StartDate datetime not null Date the employee started work in the department. EndDate datetime null Date the employee left the department. NULL = Current department. ModifiedDate datetime not null (getdate()) Date and time the record was last updated. Primary Key Primary Key Columns PK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_EmployeeID_StartDate_DepartmentID EmployeeID, DepartmentID, ShiftID, StartDate Indexes Index Type Columns IX_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_DepartmentID DepartmentID IX_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_ShiftID ShiftID Check [...]

Sales SpecialOffer (table) — 7.0%

[...] discount applies to such as Reseller or Customer. StartDate datetime not null Discount start date. EndDate datetime not null Discount end date. MinQty int not null ((0)) Minimum discount percent allowed. MaxQty int null Maximum discount percent allowed. rowguid uniqueidentifier not null (newid()) ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. ModifiedDate datetime not null (getdate()) Date and time the record was last updated. Primary Key Primary Key Columns PK_SpecialOffer_SpecialOfferID SpecialOfferID [...]

HumanResources vJobCandidateEducation (view) — 3.5%

[...] element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/adventure-works/Resume"; (Edu.EndDate)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') ,'Z', ''), 101) AS [Edu.EndDate] [...]

HumanResources vJobCandidateEmployment (view) — 3.5%

[...] element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/adventure-works/Resume"; (Emp.EndDate)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') ,'Z', ''), 101) AS [Emp.EndDate] [...]

public statisticsreport (table) — 1.8%

[...] Nullable Default Description id integer not null startdate timestamp with time zone not null enddate timestamp with time zone not null name [...]

WikiMarkup — 1.8%

[...] {Wanted} BirthDate Gender HireDate MaritalStatus SickLeaveHours VacationHours EndDate StartDate PayFrequency Rate (table) EmailPromotion [...]

dbo ufnGetProductStandardCost (function) — 1.8%

[...] AND p.[ProductID] = @ProductID AND @OrderDate BETWEEN pch.[StartDate] AND COALESCE(pch.[EndDate], CONVERT(datetime, '99991231', 112)); -- [...]

dbo ufnGetProductListPrice (function) — 1.8%

[...] AND p.[ProductID] = @ProductID AND @OrderDate BETWEEN plph.[StartDate] AND COALESCE(plph.[EndDate], CONVERT(datetime, '99991231', 112)); -- [...]

HumanResources vEmployeeDepartment (view) — 1.8%

[...] ON edh.[DepartmentID] = d.[DepartmentID] WHERE GETDATE() BETWEEN edh.[StartDate] AND ISNULL(edh.[EndDate], GETDATE()); References Dependency Type [...]

dbo ufnGetProductDealerPrice (function) — 1.8%

[...] AND p.[ProductID] = @ProductID AND @OrderDate BETWEEN plph.[StartDate] AND COALESCE(plph.[EndDate], CONVERT(datetime, '99991231', 112)); -- [...]

HumanResources vEmployeeDepartmentHistory (view) — 1.8%

[...] ,s.[Name] AS [Shift] ,d.[Name] AS [Department] ,d.[GroupName] ,edh.[StartDate] ,edh.[EndDate] FROM [HumanResources].[Employee] e INNER [...]

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