Column | Data Type | Nullable | Default | Description / PK / Index |
WorkOrderID | int | not null | | Primary key for WorkOrder records. PK_WorkOrder_WorkOrderID |
ProductID | int | not null | | Product identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID. IX_WorkOrder_ProductID |
OrderQty | int | not null | | Product quantity to build.
StockedQty | | | | Quantity built and put in inventory.
ScrappedQty | smallint | not null | | Quantity that failed inspection.
StartDate | datetime | not null | | Work order start date.
EndDate | datetime | null | | Work order end date.
DueDate | datetime | not null | | Work order due date.
ScrapReasonID | smallint | null | | Reason for inspection failure. IX_WorkOrder_ScrapReasonID |
ModifiedDate | datetime | not null | (getdate()) | Date and time the record was last updated.