Column | Data Type | Nullable | Default | Description / PK / Index |
WorkOrderID | int | not null | | Primary key. Foreign key to WorkOrder.WorkOrderID. PK_WorkOrderRouting_WorkOrderID_ProductID_OperationSequence |
ProductID | int | not null | | Primary key. Foreign key to Product.ProductID. PK_WorkOrderRouting_WorkOrderID_ProductID_OperationSequenceIX_WorkOrderRouting_ProductID |
OperationSequence | smallint | not null | | Primary key. Indicates the manufacturing process sequence. PK_WorkOrderRouting_WorkOrderID_ProductID_OperationSequence |
LocationID | smallint | not null | | Manufacturing location where the part is processed. Foreign key to Location.LocationID.
ScheduledStartDate | datetime | not null | | Planned manufacturing start date.
ScheduledEndDate | datetime | not null | | Planned manufacturing end date.
ActualStartDate | datetime | null | | Actual start date.
ActualEndDate | datetime | null | | Actual end date.
ActualResourceHrs | decimal(9, 4) | null | | Number of manufacturing hours used.
PlannedCost | money | not null | | Estimated manufacturing cost.
ActualCost | money | null | | Actual manufacturing cost.
ModifiedDate | datetime | not null | (getdate()) | Date and time the record was last updated.