Column | Data Type | Nullable | Default | Description / PK / Index |
EmployeeID | int | not null | | Employee identification number. Foreign key to Employee.EmployeeID. PK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_EmployeeID_StartDate_DepartmentID |
DepartmentID | smallint | not null | | Department in which the employee worked including currently. Foreign key to Department.DepartmentID. PK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_EmployeeID_StartDate_DepartmentIDIX_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_DepartmentID |
ShiftID | tinyint | not null | | Identifies which 8-hour shift the employee works. Foreign key to Shift.Shift.ID. PK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_EmployeeID_StartDate_DepartmentIDIX_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_ShiftID |
StartDate | datetime | not null | | Date the employee started work in the department. PK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_EmployeeID_StartDate_DepartmentID |
EndDate | datetime | null | | Date the employee left the department. NULL = Current department.
ModifiedDate | datetime | not null | (getdate()) | Date and time the record was last updated.