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Person Contact (table)
Modified on 2011/08/27 11:17
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== wikibot == {| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse:collapse" |- valign="top" | '''Table''' | Person.Contact |- valign="top" | '''Description''' | Names of each employee, customer contact, and vendor contact. |} === Columns === {| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse:collapse" |- style="background:silver" | '''Column''' | '''Data Type''' | '''Nullable''' | '''Default''' | '''Description''' |- valign="top" | ContactID | int | not null | | Primary key for Contact records. |- valign="top" | NameStyle | dbo.NameStyle | not null | ((0)) | 0 = The data in FirstName and LastName are stored in western style (first name, last name) order. 1 = Eastern style (last name, first name) order. |- valign="top" | Title | nvarchar(8) | null | | A courtesy title. For example, Mr. or Ms. |- valign="top" | FirstName | dbo.Name | not null | | First name of the person. |- valign="top" | MiddleName | dbo.Name | null | | Middle name or middle initial of the person. |- valign="top" | LastName | dbo.Name | not null | | Last name of the person. |- valign="top" | Suffix | nvarchar(10) | null | | Surname suffix. For example, Sr. or Jr. |- valign="top" | EmailAddress | nvarchar(50) | null | | E-mail address for the person. |- valign="top" | EmailPromotion | int | not null | ((0)) | 0 = Contact does not wish to receive e-mail promotions, 1 = Contact does wish to receive e-mail promotions from AdventureWorks, 2 = Contact does wish to receive e-mail promotions from AdventureWorks and selected partners. |- valign="top" | Phone | dbo.Phone | null | | Phone number associated with the person. |- valign="top" | PasswordHash | varchar(128) | not null | | Password for the e-mail account. |- valign="top" | PasswordSalt | varchar(10) | not null | | Random value concatenated with the password string before the password is hashed. |- valign="top" | AdditionalContactInfo | xml | null | | Additional contact information about the person stored in xml format. |- valign="top" | rowguid | uniqueidentifier | not null | (newid()) | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. |- valign="top" | ModifiedDate | datetime | not null | (getdate()) | Date and time the record was last updated. |} === Primary Key === {| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse:collapse" |- style="background:silver" | '''Primary Key''' | '''Columns''' |- valign="top" | PK_Contact_ContactID | ContactID |} === Indexes === {| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse:collapse" |- style="background:silver" | '''Index''' | '''Type''' | '''Columns''' |- valign="top" | AK_Contact_rowguid | Unique | rowguid |- valign="top" | IX_Contact_EmailAddress | | EmailAddress |- valign="top" | PXML_Contact_AddContact | | AdditionalContactInfo |} === Check Constraints === {| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse:collapse" |- style="background:silver" | '''Check Constraint''' | '''Expression''' | '''Description''' |- valign="top" | CK_Contact_EmailPromotion | ([EmailPromotion]>=(0) AND [EmailPromotion]<=(2)) | Check constraint [EmailPromotion] >= (0) AND [EmailPromotion] <= (2) |} === Detail Tables === {| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse:collapse" |- style="background:silver" | '''Detail Table''' | '''Column''' | '''Referencing Column''' |- valign="top" | [[Sales ContactCreditCard (table)|Sales.ContactCreditCard]] | ContactID | ContactID |- valign="top" | [[HumanResources Employee (table)|HumanResources.Employee]] | ContactID | ContactID |- valign="top" | [[Sales Individual (table)|Sales.Individual]] | ContactID | ContactID |- valign="top" | [[Sales SalesOrderHeader (table)|Sales.SalesOrderHeader]] | ContactID | ContactID |- valign="top" | [[Sales StoreContact (table)|Sales.StoreContact]] | ContactID | ContactID |- valign="top" | [[Purchasing VendorContact (table)|Purchasing.VendorContact]] | ContactID | ContactID |} === References === {| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse:collapse" |- style="background:silver" | '''Dependency Type''' | '''Object Type''' | '''Referenced Object''' |- valign="top" | Data Type | Type | [[dbo Name (type)|dbo.Name]] |- valign="top" | Data Type | Type | [[dbo NameStyle (type)|dbo.NameStyle]] |- valign="top" | Data Type | Type | [[dbo Phone (type)|dbo.Phone]] |- valign="top" | Schema | Schema | [[Person (schema)|Person]] |- valign="top" | Data Type | XML Schema Collection | [[Person AdditionalContactInfoSchemaCollection (xml schema collection)|Person.AdditionalContactInfoSchemaCollection]] |} === Dependencies === {| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse:collapse" |- style="background:silver" | '''Reference Type''' | '''Object Type''' | '''Referencing Object''' |- valign="top" | Select | View | [[HumanResources vEmployee (view)|HumanResources.vEmployee]] |- valign="top" | Select | View | [[HumanResources vEmployeeDepartment (view)|HumanResources.vEmployeeDepartment]] |- valign="top" | Select | View | [[HumanResources vEmployeeDepartmentHistory (view)|HumanResources.vEmployeeDepartmentHistory]] |- valign="top" | Select | View | [[Person vAdditionalContactInfo (view)|Person.vAdditionalContactInfo]] |- valign="top" | Select | View | [[Purchasing vVendor (view)|Purchasing.vVendor]] |- valign="top" | Select | View | [[Sales vIndividualCustomer (view)|Sales.vIndividualCustomer]] |- valign="top" | Select | View | [[Sales vSalesPerson (view)|Sales.vSalesPerson]] |- valign="top" | Select | View | [[Sales vSalesPersonSalesByFiscalYears (view)|Sales.vSalesPersonSalesByFiscalYears]] |- valign="top" | Select | View | [[Sales vStoreWithDemographics (view)|Sales.vStoreWithDemographics]] |- valign="top" | Select | Procedure | [[dbo uspGetEmployeeManagers (procedure)|dbo.uspGetEmployeeManagers]] |- valign="top" | Select | Procedure | [[dbo uspGetManagerEmployees (procedure)|dbo.uspGetManagerEmployees]] |- valign="top" | Select | SQL table-valued-function | [[dbo ufnGetContactInformation (function)|dbo.ufnGetContactInformation]] |}
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