Search Engine
Here you can search through the pages of this Namespace, their attachments and the files uploaded to the system.
Note: the results will only display the items you have permissions to read.
This search, performed through 2.14 MB (338 documents, 3448 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 3 results.
[...] ((0.00)) Sales subtotal. Computed as SUM(SalesOrderDetail.LineTotal)for the appropriate SalesOrderID. TaxAmt money not null ((0.00)) Tax amount. Freight money not null ((0.00)) Shipping cost. TotalDue Total due from customer. Computed as Subtotal + TaxAmt + Freight. Comment nvarchar(128) null Sales representative comments. rowguid uniqueidentifier not null (newid()) ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. ModifiedDate datetime not null (getdate()) Date and time the record was [...]
[...] order subtotal. Computed as SUM(PurchaseOrderDetail.LineTotal)for the appropriate PurchaseOrderID. TaxAmt money not null ((0.00)) Tax amount. Freight money not null ((0.00)) Shipping cost. TotalDue Total due to vendor. Computed as Subtotal + TaxAmt + Freight. ModifiedDate datetime not null (getdate()) Date and time the record was last updated. Primary Key Primary Key Columns PK_PurchaseOrderHeader_PurchaseOrderID PurchaseOrderID Indexes Index Type Columns IX_PurchaseOrderHeader_EmployeeID EmployeeID IX_PurchaseOrderHeader_VendorID [...]
[...] OnOrderQty StandardPrice ReceivedQty RejectedQty UnitPrice Freight OrderDate ShipDate SubTotal TaxAmt ShipBase ShipRate CreditRating CustomerType [...]