Here you can search through the pages of this Namespace, their attachments and the files uploaded to the system.
Note: the results will only display the items you have permissions to read.
[...] Road, M = Mountain, T = Touring, S = Standard Class nchar(2) null H = High, M = Medium, L = Low Style nchar(2) null W = Womens, M = Mens, U = Universal ProductSubcategoryID int null Product is a member of this product subcategory. Foreign key to ProductSubCategory.ProductSubCategoryID. ProductModelID int null Product is a member of this product model. Foreign key to ProductModel.ProductModelID. SellStartDate datetime not null Date the product was available for sale. SellEndDate datetime null Date the product was no longer available for sale. DiscontinuedDate [...]
Cell 1.1 Cell 1.2 Cell 2.1 Cell 2.2
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="1"
|- style="background-color: Red; color: White;"
| Cell 1.1 || Cell 1.2
|- style="font-weight: bold;"
| Cell 2.1 || Cell 2.2
Cell 1.1 Cell 1.2 Cell 2.1 Cell 2.2
| bgcolor="Blue" | Styled Cell
| Normal cell
| Normal cell
| bgcolor="Yellow" | Styled cell
Styled Cell Normal cell Normal cell Styled cell
| colspan="2" bgcolor="Red" | Cell
| Cell || Cell
Cell Cell Cell
| [...]
[...] RETURNS trigger
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
-- (Used for Trigger insert with old style foreign key)
-- This condition keeps the snmpInterfaceId inSync with the composite foreign key of nodeid, ipaddr, ifindex
-- This usually happens when a new record is written by our JDBC code (non-Hibernate DAO) for the old JDBC style
-- code has no knowledge of the new keys
IF NEW.snmpInterfaceId IS NULL
SELECT INTO NEW.snmpInterfaceId
FROM snmpinterface [...]
[...] RETURNS trigger
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
-- (Used with Trigger Insert with old style foreign key)
-- This condition keeps the ifServiceID inSync with the composite foreign key of nodeid, ipaddr, serviceid
-- This usually happens when a new record is written by our JDBC code (non-Hibernate DAO) for the old JDBC style
-- code has no knowledge of the new keys
IF NEW.ifServiceId IS NULL
SELECT INTO NEW.ifserviceid
FROM ifservices ifsvc
WHERE (ifsvc.nodeid = NEW.nodeid AND ifsvc.ipAddr [...]
[...] Condition 0: ipAddr of is not allowed in ifServices table';
-- (Insert with old style foreign key)
-- This condition keeps the ipInterfaceId inSync with the composite foreign key of nodeid, ipaddr, ifindex
-- This usually happens when a new record is written by our JDBC code (non-Hibernate DAO) for the old JDBC style
-- code has no knowledge of the new keys
IF NEW.ipInterfaceId IS NULL
FROM ipinterface ipif
WHERE (ipif.nodeid = NEW.nodeid AND ipif.ipAddr [...]
[...] RETURNS trigger
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
-- (Used for Trigger update with old style foreign key)
-- This condition keeps snmpinterfaceid inSync with the composite foreign key of nodeid, ipaddr, ifindex
-- This usually happens when a record is being updated by old JDBC code (non-Hibernate DAOs) and has changed
-- one or more of the composite key values, the snmpInterfaceId needs to be updated
IF ((NEW.snmpInterfaceId = OLD.snmpInterfaceId OR (NEW.snmpInterfaceId IS NULL AND OLD.snmpInterfaceId IS NULL)) AND
(NEW.nodeId != OLD.nodeId [...]
[...] is not allowed in ifServices table';
-- (Used with Trigger Update with old style foreign key)
-- This condition keeps ipinterfaceid inSync with the composite foreign key of nodeid, ipaddr, ifindex
-- This usually happens when a record is being updated by old JDBC code (non-Hibernate DAOs) and has changed
-- one or more of the composite key values, the ipInterfaceId needs to be updated
IF (NEW.ipInterfaceId = OLD.ipInterfaceId) AND (NEW.nodeId != OLD.nodeId OR NEW.ipAddr != OLD.ipAddr)
[...] p1="";
(/p1:ProductDescription/p1:Specifications/Style)[1]', 'nvarchar(256)') AS [Style] [...]
[...] public.setifservicekeysonupdate()
RETURNS trigger
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
-- (Update with old style foreign key)
-- This condition keeps ifserviceid inSync with the composite foreign key of nodeid, ipaddr, serviceid
-- This usually happens when a record is being updated by old JDBC code (non-Hibernate DAOs) and has changed
-- one or more of the composite key values, the ifServiceId needs to be updated
IF (NEW.ifserviceID = OLD.ifServiceId) AND (NEW.nodeId != OLD.nodeId OR NEW.ipAddr != OLD.ipAddr OR NEW.serviceId != OLD.serviceID)
SELECT [...]
[...] NameStyle dbo.NameStyle not null ((0)) 0 = The data in FirstName and LastName are stored in western style (first name, last name) order. 1 = Eastern style [...]
[...] parameter. In such case, its placeholder is removed from the output. Parameterized Snippets, Compact Style A compact parameterized snippet is similar [...]
[...] DaysToManufacture ListPrice ProductLine ReorderPoint SafetyStockLevel SellEndDate SellStartDate StandardCost Style Weight A-Za-z Bin Shelf Rating TransactionType [...]