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This search, performed through 2.14 MB (338 documents, 3448 words), completed in 0.4 seconds and yielded 30 results.

WikiMarkup — 15.1%

[...] http://screwturn.net/Help.WikiMarkup If you want to copy this page in your own wiki, you can simply copy the markup and paste it into a page in your wiki. Text Formatting WikiMarkup Output Notes '''bold''' bold ''italic'' italic __underlined__ underlined --strike-through-- strike-through {{inline code - monospace font }} inline code - monospace font @@block code - [WikiMarkup] is ignored@@ block code - [WikiMarkup] is ignored ---- Horizontal ruler [MainPage|MainPage] or [MainPage|my link] MainPage or my link [...]

SnippetsAndTemplates — 6.7%

[...] can avoid to repeat commonly-used content in many places. Moreover, when you change the content of a snippet, the change is automatically propagated in all places where the snippet is used. There are basically three types of snippets, described below. Plain Snippets A plain snippets is just a piece of text. Let's assume you have create such type of snippet named Warning with the following content: '''Warning''': performing this action can cause harm to your computer. You [...]

Production ProductInventory (table) — 4.4%

[...] null Storage compartment within an inventory location. Bin tinyint not null Storage container on a shelf in an inventory location. Quantity smallint not null ((0)) Quantity of products in the inventory location. rowguid uniqueidentifier not null (newid()) ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. ModifiedDate datetime not null (getdate()) Date and time the record was last updated. Primary Key Primary Key Columns PK_ProductInventory_ProductID_LocationID ProductID, LocationID [...]

WikiMarkup-Tables — 4.0%

[...] http://screwturn.net/Help.WikiMarkup-Tables If you want to copy this page in your own wiki, you can simply copy the markup and paste it into a page in your wiki. Note : actual table styles might depend on the wiki theme you are using. WikiMarkup Output {| | Cell 1.1 | Cell 1.2 |- | Cell 2.1 | Cell 2.2 |} Cell 1.1 Cell 1.2 Cell 2.1 Cell 2.2 {| | Cell 1.1 || Cell 1.2 |- | Cell 2.1 || Cell 2.2 |} Cell 1.1 Cell 1.2 Cell 2.1 Cell 2.2 {| |+ This is a Table | Cell 1.1 || Cell 1.2 |- | Cell 2.1 || Cell 2.2 |} This is a [...]

Sales vIndividualCustomer (view) — 3.1%

[...] ,c.[Suffix] ,c.[Phone] ,c.[EmailAddress] ,c.[EmailPromotion] ,at.[Name] AS [AddressType] ,a.[AddressLine1] ,a.[AddressLine2] ,a.[City] ,[StateProvinceName] = sp.[Name] ,a.[PostalCode] ,[CountryRegionName] = cr.[Name] ,i.[Demographics] FROM [Sales].[Individual] i INNER JOIN [Person].[Contact] c ON c.[ContactID] = i.[ContactID] INNER JOIN [...]

Sales vSalesPerson (view) — 3.1%

[...] ,c.[Suffix] ,[JobTitle] = e.[Title] ,c.[Phone] ,c.[EmailAddress] ,c.[EmailPromotion] ,a.[AddressLine1] ,a.[AddressLine2] ,a.[City] ,[StateProvinceName] = sp.[Name] ,a.[PostalCode] ,[CountryRegionName] = cr.[Name] ,[TerritoryName] = st.[Name] ,[TerritoryGroup] = st.[Group] ,s.[SalesQuota] ,s.[SalesYTD] ,s.[SalesLastYear] FROM [Sales].[SalesPerson] s INNER JOIN [HumanResources].[Employee] e ON e.[EmployeeID] = s.[SalesPersonID] [...]

Sales vStoreWithDemographics (view) — 3.1%

[...] ,c.[Suffix] ,c.[Phone] ,c.[EmailAddress] ,c.[EmailPromotion] ,at.[Name] AS [AddressType] ,a.[AddressLine1] ,a.[AddressLine2] ,a.[City] ,sp.[Name] AS [StateProvinceName] ,a.[PostalCode] ,cr.[Name] AS [CountryRegionName] ,s.[Demographics].value('declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/adventure-works/StoreSurvey"; (/StoreSurvey/AnnualSales)[1]', 'money') AS [AnnualSales] ,s.[Demographics].value('declare [...]

Purchasing vVendor (view) — 3.1%

[...] ,c.[MiddleName] ,c.[LastName] ,c.[Suffix] ,c.[Phone] ,c.[EmailAddress] ,c.[EmailPromotion] ,a.[AddressLine1] ,a.[AddressLine2] ,a.[City] ,[StateProvinceName] = sp.[Name] ,a.[PostalCode] ,[CountryRegionName] = cr.[Name] FROM [Purchasing].[Vendor] v INNER JOIN [Purchasing].[VendorContact] vc ON vc.[VendorID] = v.[VendorID] INNER JOIN [Person].[Contact] c ON c.[ContactID] = vc.[ContactID] INNER JOIN [Person].[ContactType] ct ON vc.[ContactTypeID] [...]

HumanResources vEmployee (view) — 3.1%

[...] ,c.[Suffix] ,e.[Title] AS [JobTitle] ,c.[Phone] ,c.[EmailAddress] ,c.[EmailPromotion] ,a.[AddressLine1] ,a.[AddressLine2] ,a.[City] ,sp.[Name] AS [StateProvinceName] ,a.[PostalCode] ,cr.[Name] AS [CountryRegionName] ,c.[AdditionalContactInfo] FROM [HumanResources].[Employee] e INNER JOIN [Person].[Contact] c ON c.[ContactID] = e.[ContactID] INNER JOIN [HumanResources].[EmployeeAddress] [...]

dbo uspGetBillOfMaterials (procedure) — 2.2%

wikibot Procedure dbo.uspGetBillOfMaterials Description Stored procedure using a recursive query to return a multi-level bill of material for the specified ProductID. Source CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspGetBillOfMaterials] @StartProductID [int], @CheckDate [datetime] AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Use recursive query to generate a [...]

HR LOCATIONS (table) — 2.2%

wikibot Table HR.LOCATIONS Description Locations table that contains specific address of a specific office, Columns Column Data Type Nullable Default Description LOCATION_ID NUMBER(4, 0) not null Primary key of locations table STREET_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(40) null Street address of an office, warehouse, or production site of a company. POSTAL_CODE VARCHAR2(12) null Postal code of the location of an office, warehouse, or production site CITY VARCHAR2(30) not null A not null column that [...]

Production Product (table) — 2.2%

[...] 1 = Product is manufactured in-house. FinishedGoodsFlag dbo.Flag not null ((1)) 0 = Product is not a salable item. 1 = Product is salable. Color nvarchar(15) null Product color. SafetyStockLevel smallint not null Minimum inventory quantity. ReorderPoint smallint not null Inventory level that triggers a purchase order or work order. StandardCost money not null Standard cost of the product. ListPrice money not null Selling price. Size nvarchar(5) null Product size. SizeUnitMeasureCode nchar(3) null Unit of measure for [...]

dbo uspLogError (procedure) — 2.2%

[...] information in the ErrorLog table about the error that caused execution to jump to the CATCH block of a TRY...CATCH construct. Should be executed from within the scope of a CATCH block otherwise it will return without inserting error information. Source -- uspLogError logs error information in the ErrorLog table about the -- error that caused execution to jump to the CATCH block of a -- TRY...CATCH construct. This should be executed from within the scope -- of a CATCH block [...]

HR DEPARTMENTS (table) — 1.8%

[...] NUMBER(4, 0) not null Primary key column of departments table. DEPARTMENT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) not null A not null column that shows name of a department. Administration, MANAGER_ID NUMBER(6, 0) null Manager_id of a department. Foreign key to employee_id column of employees table. The manager_id column [...]

dbo uspGetWhereUsedProductID (procedure) — 1.8%

wikibot Procedure dbo.uspGetWhereUsedProductID Description Stored procedure using a recursive query to return all components or assemblies that directly or indirectly use the specified ProductID. Source CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspGetWhereUsedProductID] @StartProductID [int], @CheckDate [datetime] AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; --Use recursive query to generate a multi-level Bill of Material (i.e. [...]

dbo uspPrintError (procedure) — 1.8%

[...] Description Prints error information about the error that caused execution to jump to the CATCH block of a TRY...CATCH construct. Should be executed from within the scope of a CATCH block otherwise it will return without printing any error information. Source -- uspPrintError prints error information about the error that caused -- execution to jump to the CATCH block of

Sales SalesOrderDetail (table) — 1.3%

wikibot Table Sales.SalesOrderDetail Description Individual products associated with a specific sales order. See SalesOrderHeader. Columns Column Data Type Nullable Default Description SalesOrderID int not null Primary key. Foreign key to SalesOrderHeader.SalesOrderID. SalesOrderDetailID int not null Primary key. One incremental unique number per product sold. CarrierTrackingNumber nvarchar(25) null Shipment tracking number supplied by the shipper. OrderQty smallint not null Quantity ordered per product. ProductID int not null Product [...]

HR EMPLOYEES (table) — 1.3%

[...] null Primary key of employees table. FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(20) null First name of the employee. A not null column. LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(25) not null Last name of the employee. A not null column. EMAIL VARCHAR2(25) not null Email id of the employee PHONE_NUMBER VARCHAR2(20) null Phone number of the employee; includes country code and area code HIRE_DATE DATE(7) not null Date [...]

HR JOBS (table) — 1.3%

[...] Description JOB_ID VARCHAR2(10) not null Primary key of jobs table. JOB_TITLE VARCHAR2(35) not null A not null column that shows job title, e.g. AD_VP, FI_ACCOUNTANT MIN_SALARY NUMBER(6, 0) null Minimum salary for a job title. MAX_SALARY [...]

HR JOB_HISTORY (table) — 1.3%

[...] Columns Column Data Type Nullable Default Description EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER(6, 0) not null A not null column in the complex primary key employee_id+start_date. START_DATE DATE(7) not null A not null column in the complex primary key employee_id+start_date. END_DATE DATE(7) not null [...]

dbo ufnGetProductDealerPrice (function) — 1.3%

[...] Function dbo.ufnGetProductDealerPrice Description Scalar function returning the dealer price for a given product on a particular order date. Source CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ufnGetProductDealerPrice](@ProductID [int], @OrderDate [datetime]) RETURNS [money] AS -- Returns [...]

dbo ufnGetProductStandardCost (function) — 1.3%

[...] Function dbo.ufnGetProductStandardCost Description Scalar function returning the standard cost for a given product on a particular order date. Source CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ufnGetProductStandardCost](@ProductID [int], @OrderDate [datetime]) RETURNS [money] AS -- Returns [...]

Sales vIndividualDemographics (view) — 0.9%

[...] "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/adventure-works/IndividualSurvey"; DateFirstPurchase[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') ,'Z', ''), 101) AS [DateFirstPurchase] ,CONVERT(datetime, REPLACE([IndividualSurvey].[ref].[value](N'declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/adventure-works/IndividualSurvey"; BirthDate[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') ,'Z', [...]

HumanResources vJobCandidateEmployment (view) — 0.9%

[...] "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/adventure-works/Resume"; (Emp.StartDate)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') ,'Z', ''), 101) AS [Emp.StartDate] ,CONVERT(datetime, REPLACE([Employment].ref.value(N'declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/adventure-works/Resume"; (Emp.EndDate)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') ,'Z', [...]

OE CUSTOMERS_VIEW (view) — 0.9%

[...] c.cust_geo_location.sdo_point.x location_x, c.cust_geo_location.sdo_point.y location_y, c.cust_geo_location.sdo_point.z location_z FROM [...]

Sales Store (table) — 0.9%

[...] uniqueidentifier not null (newid()) ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. ModifiedDate datetime not null (getdate()) Date and time the record was last updated. Primary Key Primary Key Columns PK_Store_CustomerID CustomerID Indexes Index Type Columns AK_Store_rowguid Unique rowguid IX_Store_SalesPersonID SalesPersonID PXML_Store_Demographics Demographics Foreign Keys Relation Column Referenced Column Sales.Customer CustomerID CustomerID Sales.SalesPerson SalesPersonID SalesPersonID [...]

public setipinterfacekeysoninsert (trigger function) — 0.9%

[...] ipInterfaceId inSync with the composite foreign key of nodeid, ipaddr, ifindex -- This usually happens when a new record is written by our JDBC code (non-Hibernate DAO) for the old JDBC style -- code has no knowledge of the new keys -- IF NEW.ipInterfaceId IS NULL THEN SELECT ipif.id INTO NEW.ipInterfaceId FROM ipinterface ipif WHERE (ipif.nodeid = NEW.nodeid AND ipif.ipAddr = NEW.ipAddr AND ipif.ipAddr != ''); IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'IfServices Trigger Exception, Condition 1: No IpInterface found for... nodeid: [...]

public setsnmpinterfacekeysoninsert (trigger function) — 0.9%

[...] snmpInterfaceId inSync with the composite foreign key of nodeid, ipaddr, ifindex -- This usually happens when a new record is written by our JDBC code (non-Hibernate DAO) for the old JDBC style -- code has no knowledge of the new keys -- IF NEW.snmpInterfaceId IS NULL THEN IF NEW.ifIndex IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT snmpif.id INTO NEW.snmpInterfaceId FROM snmpinterface snmpif WHERE (snmpif.nodeid = NEW.nodeid AND snmpif.snmpIfIndex = NEW.ifIndex); IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'IpInterface Trigger Notice, Condition 1: No [...]

WikiMarkup-Pictures — 0.9%

[...] details are optional and can be placed in any order. Border "border", "frame" or "frameless". Put a small border around the image. Default - "frame". Location "right", "left" or "auto". Determine the horizontal placement of the image on the page. This defaults to "auto" for thumbnails. Size "small" or "medium" or "full" or "maxXXX". "small" = 100 px width, "medium" = 100 px width, "maxXXX" = XXX px by max size of pictures. Default - "full". Link Link the image to a [...]

HumanResources vJobCandidateEducation (view) — 0.9%

[...] "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/adventure-works/Resume"; (Edu.StartDate)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') ,'Z', ''), 101) AS [Edu.StartDate] ,CONVERT(datetime, REPLACE([Education].ref.value(N'declare default element namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/adventure-works/Resume"; (Edu.EndDate)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') ,'Z', [...]

ScrewTurn Wiki version Some of the icons created by FamFamFam.