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This search, performed through 2.14 MB (338 documents, 3448 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 7 results.

Sales SalesOrderHeader (table) — 45.0%

[...] RevisionNumber tinyint not null ((0)) Incremental number to track changes to the sales order over time. OrderDate datetime not null (getdate()) Dates the sales order was created. DueDate datetime not null Date the order is due to the customer. ShipDate datetime null Date the order was shipped to the customer. Status tinyint not null ((1)) Order current status. 1 = In process; 2 = Approved; 3 = Backordered; 4 = Rejected; 5 = Shipped; 6 = Cancelled OnlineOrderFlag dbo.Flag not null ((1)) 0 = Order placed by sales person. 1 = Order placed online by customer. SalesOrderNumber [...]

Purchasing PurchaseOrderHeader (table) — 15.0%

[...] Vendor.VendorID. ShipMethodID int not null Shipping method. Foreign key to ShipMethod.ShipMethodID. OrderDate datetime not null (getdate()) Purchase order creation date. ShipDate datetime null Estimated shipment date from the vendor. SubTotal money not null ((0.00)) Purchase order subtotal. Computed as SUM(PurchaseOrderDetail.LineTotal)for the appropriate PurchaseOrderID. TaxAmt money not null ((0.00)) Tax amount. Freight money not null ((0.00)) Shipping cost. TotalDue Total due to vendor. Computed as Subtotal + TaxAmt + Freight. ModifiedDate datetime not [...]

dbo ufnGetProductDealerPrice (function) — 10.0%

[...] particular order date. Source CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ufnGetProductDealerPrice](@ProductID [int], @OrderDate [datetime]) RETURNS [money] AS -- Returns the dealer price for the product on a specific date. BEGIN DECLARE @DealerPrice money; DECLARE @DealerDiscount money; SET @DealerDiscount = 0.60 -- 60% of list price SELECT @DealerPrice = plph.[ListPrice] * @DealerDiscount FROM [Production].[Product] p INNER JOIN [Production].[ProductListPriceHistory] plph ON p.[ProductID] = plph.[ProductID] AND p.[ProductID] = @ProductID [...]

dbo ufnGetProductListPrice (function) — 10.0%

[...] particular order date. Source CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ufnGetProductListPrice](@ProductID [int], @OrderDate [datetime]) RETURNS [money] AS BEGIN DECLARE @ListPrice money; SELECT @ListPrice = plph.[ListPrice] FROM [Production].[Product] p INNER JOIN [Production].[ProductListPriceHistory] plph ON p.[ProductID] = plph.[ProductID] AND p.[ProductID] = @ProductID AND @OrderDate [...]

dbo ufnGetProductStandardCost (function) — 10.0%

[...] particular order date. Source CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ufnGetProductStandardCost](@ProductID [int], @OrderDate [datetime]) RETURNS [money] AS -- Returns the standard cost for the product on a specific date. BEGIN DECLARE @StandardCost money; SELECT @StandardCost = pch.[StandardCost] FROM [Production].[Product] p INNER JOIN [Production].[ProductCostHistory] pch ON p.[ProductID] = pch.[ProductID] AND p.[ProductID] = @ProductID AND @OrderDate [...]

WikiMarkup — 5.0%

[...] MaxOrderQty MinOrderQty OnOrderQty StandardPrice ReceivedQty RejectedQty UnitPrice Freight OrderDate ShipDate SubTotal TaxAmt ShipBase ShipRate [...]

Sales vSalesPersonSalesByFiscalYears (view) — 5.0%

[...] ,e.[Title] ,st.[Name] AS [SalesTerritory] ,soh.[SubTotal] ,YEAR(DATEADD(m, 6, soh.[OrderDate])) AS [FiscalYear] FROM [Sales].[SalesPerson] [...]

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