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This search, performed through 2.14 MB (338 documents, 3448 words), completed in 0.1 seconds and yielded 6 results.

Production TransactionHistoryArchive (table) — 39.3%

[...] order, or work order. TransactionDate datetime not null (getdate()) Date and time of the transaction. TransactionType nchar(1) not null W = Work Order, S = Sales Order, P = Purchase Order Quantity int not null Product quantity. ActualCost money not null Product cost. ModifiedDate datetime not null (getdate()) Date and time the record was last updated. Primary Key Primary Key Columns PK_TransactionHistoryArchive_TransactionID TransactionID Indexes Index Type Columns IX_TransactionHistoryArchive_ProductID ProductID IX_TransactionHistoryArchive_ReferenceOrderID_ReferenceOrderLineID [...]

Production TransactionHistory (table) — 39.3%

[...] order, or work order. TransactionDate datetime not null (getdate()) Date and time of the transaction. TransactionType nchar(1) not null W = WorkOrder, S = SalesOrder, P = PurchaseOrder Quantity int not null Product quantity. ActualCost money not null Product cost. ModifiedDate datetime not null (getdate()) Date and time the record was last updated. Primary Key Primary Key Columns PK_TransactionHistory_TransactionID TransactionID Indexes Index Type Columns IX_TransactionHistory_ProductID ProductID IX_TransactionHistory_ReferenceOrderID_ReferenceOrderLineID [...]

Purchasing PurchaseOrderDetail (table) — 7.1%

[...] [Production].[TransactionHistory] ([ProductID] ,[ReferenceOrderID] ,[ReferenceOrderLineID] ,[TransactionType] ,[TransactionDate] ,[Quantity] ,[ActualCost]) SELECT inserted.[ProductID] ,inserted.[PurchaseOrderID] ,inserted.[PurchaseOrderDetailID] ,'P' ,GETDATE() ,inserted.[OrderQty] ,inserted.[UnitPrice] FROM inserted INNER JOIN [Purchasing].[PurchaseOrderHeader] ON inserted.[PurchaseOrderID] = [Purchasing].[PurchaseOrderHeader].[PurchaseOrderID]; -- Update [...]

Production WorkOrder (table) — 7.1%

[...] INSERT INTO [Production].[TransactionHistory]( [ProductID] ,[ReferenceOrderID] ,[TransactionType] ,[TransactionDate] ,[Quantity] ,[ActualCost]) SELECT inserted.[ProductID] ,inserted.[WorkOrderID] ,'W' ,GETDATE() ,inserted.[OrderQty] ,0 FROM inserted; END TRY BEGIN CATCH EXECUTE [dbo].[uspPrintError]; -- Rollback any active or uncommittable transactions before -- inserting information in the ErrorLog IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 BEGIN ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; [...]

WikiMarkup — 3.6%

[...] SafetyStockLevel SellEndDate SellStartDate StandardCost Style Weight A-Za-z Bin Shelf Rating TransactionType OrderQty ScrappedQty ActualCost ActualEndDate [...]

Sales SalesOrderDetail (table) — 3.6%

[...] [Production].[TransactionHistory] ([ProductID] ,[ReferenceOrderID] ,[ReferenceOrderLineID] ,[TransactionType] ,[TransactionDate] ,[Quantity] [...]

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