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This search, performed through 2.14 MB (338 documents, 3448 words), completed in 0.1 seconds and yielded 30 results.

public setifservicekeysoninsert (trigger function) — 3.5%

wikibot Trigger Function public.setifservicekeysoninsert Source CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.setifservicekeysoninsert() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ BEGIN -- -- (Used with Trigger Insert with old style foreign key) -- This condition keeps the ifServiceID inSync with the composite foreign key of nodeid, ipaddr, serviceid -- This usually happens when a new record is written by our JDBC code (non-Hibernate DAO) for the old JDBC style -- code has no knowledge of [...]

public setifservicekeysonupdate (trigger function) — 3.5%

wikibot Trigger Function public.setifservicekeysonupdate Source CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.setifservicekeysonupdate() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ BEGIN -- -- (Update with old style foreign key) -- This condition keeps ifserviceid inSync with the composite foreign key of nodeid, ipaddr, serviceid -- This usually happens when a record is being updated by old JDBC code (non-Hibernate DAOs) and has changed -- one or more of the composite key values, the ifServiceId [...]

public getpercentavailabilityinwindow (function) — 3.5%

wikibot Function public.getpercentavailabilityinwindow Source CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.getpercentavailabilityinwindow(integer, character varying, integer, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) RETURNS double precision LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE nid ALIAS FOR $1; ipid ALIAS FOR $2; sid ALIAS FOR $3; xtime ALIAS FOR $4; ytime ALIAS FOR $5; downtime float8; BEGIN downtime := getOutageTimeInWindow(nid, ipid, sid, xtime, ytime); IF xtime [...]

dbo ufnGetStock (function) — 3.5%

wikibot Function dbo.ufnGetStock Description Scalar function returning the quantity of inventory in LocationID 6 (Miscellaneous Storage)for a specified ProductID. Source CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ufnGetStock](@ProductID [...]

public setsnmpinterfacekeysoninsert (trigger function) — 3.5%

wikibot Trigger Function public.setsnmpinterfacekeysoninsert Source CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.setsnmpinterfacekeysoninsert() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ BEGIN -- -- (Used for Trigger insert with old style foreign key) -- This condition keeps the snmpInterfaceId inSync with the composite foreign key of nodeid, ipaddr, ifindex -- This usually happens when a new record is written by our JDBC code (non-Hibernate DAO) for the old JDBC style -- code has no knowledge [...]

public setsnmpinterfacekeysonupdate (trigger function) — 3.5%

wikibot Trigger Function public.setsnmpinterfacekeysonupdate Source CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.setsnmpinterfacekeysonupdate() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ BEGIN -- -- (Used for Trigger update with old style foreign key) -- This condition keeps snmpinterfaceid inSync with the composite foreign key of nodeid, ipaddr, ifindex -- This usually happens when a record is being updated by old JDBC code (non-Hibernate DAOs) and has changed -- one or more of the composite [...]

public setipinterfacekeysoninsert (trigger function) — 3.5%

wikibot Trigger Function public.setipinterfacekeysoninsert Source CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.setipinterfacekeysoninsert() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ BEGIN -- ifServices must have an IP address that is *not* IF NEW.ipAddr IS NOT NULL AND NEW.ipAddr = '' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'IfServices Trigger Exception, Condition 0: ipAddr of is not allowed in ifServices table'; END IF; -- -- (Insert with old style foreign key) -- This condition [...]

public setipinterfacekeysonupdate (trigger function) — 3.5%

wikibot Trigger Function public.setipinterfacekeysonupdate Source CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.setipinterfacekeysonupdate() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ BEGIN -- ifServices must have an IP address that is *not* IF NEW.ipAddr IS NOT NULL AND NEW.ipAddr = '' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'IfServices Trigger Exception, Condition 0: ipAddr of is not allowed in ifServices table'; END IF; -- -- (Used with Trigger Update with old style foreign key) [...]

dbo ufnGetContactInformation (function) — 3.5%

wikibot Function dbo.ufnGetContactInformation Description Table value function returning the first name, last name, job title and contact type for a given contact. Source CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ufnGetContactInformation](@ContactID [...]

public getmanagepercentavailintfwindow (function) — 3.5%

wikibot Function public.getmanagepercentavailintfwindow Source CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.getmanagepercentavailintfwindow(integer, character varying, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) RETURNS double precision LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE nid ALIAS FOR $1; ipid ALIAS FOR $2; xtime ALIAS FOR $3; ytime ALIAS FOR $4; downtime float8 := 0.0; count integer := 0; rollingWindow float := 0; totalServiceTime float := 0; BEGIN IF xtime 0 THEN RETURN 100 [...]

public getoutagetimeinwindow (function) — 3.5%

wikibot Function public.getoutagetimeinwindow Source CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.getoutagetimeinwindow(integer, character varying, integer, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) RETURNS double precision LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE nid ALIAS FOR $1; ipid ALIAS FOR $2; sid ALIAS FOR $3; xtime ALIAS FOR $4; ytime ALIAS FOR $5; orec RECORD; lostTime timestamp without time zone; gainTime timestamp without time zone; downtime float8; zero CONSTANT [...]

public getmanagepercentavailnodewindow (function) — 3.5%

wikibot Function public.getmanagepercentavailnodewindow Source CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.getmanagepercentavailnodewindow(integer, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) RETURNS double precision LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE nid ALIAS FOR $1; xtime ALIAS FOR $2; ytime ALIAS FOR $3; downtime float8 := 0.0; count integer := 0; rollingWindow float := 0; totalServiceTime float := 0; BEGIN IF xtime 0 THEN RETURN 100 * (1 - (downtime / totalServiceTime)); ELSE IF [...]

public getmanagedoutagefornodeinwindow (function) — 3.5%

wikibot Function public.getmanagedoutagefornodeinwindow Source CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.getmanagedoutagefornodeinwindow(integer, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) RETURNS double precision LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE nid ALIAS FOR $1; xtime ALIAS FOR $2; ytime ALIAS FOR $3; downtime float8 := 0.0; orec RECORD; BEGIN FOR orec IN SELECT distinct ifservices.nodeid, ifservices.ipaddr, ifservices.serviceid FROM ipinterface, ifservices, node [...]

public getmanagedoutageforintfinwindow (function) — 3.5%

wikibot Function public.getmanagedoutageforintfinwindow Source CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.getmanagedoutageforintfinwindow(integer, character varying, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) RETURNS double precision LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE nid ALIAS FOR $1; ipid ALIAS FOR $2; xtime ALIAS FOR $3; ytime ALIAS FOR $4; downtime float8 := 0.0; orec RECORD; BEGIN FOR orec IN SELECT distinct ifservices.nodeid, ifservices.ipaddr, ifservices.serviceid [...]

public getmanagedservicecountfornode (function) — 3.5%

wikibot Function public.getmanagedservicecountfornode Source CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.getmanagedservicecountfornode(integer) RETURNS double precision LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE nid ALIAS FOR $1; orec RECORD; counter float8; BEGIN counter = 0; FOR orec IN SELECT distinct ifservices.nodeid, ifservices.serviceid, ifservices.ipaddr FROM ipinterface, ifservices WHERE ifservices.nodeid = nid AND ipinterface.nodeid = nid [...]

public getmanagedservicecountforintf (function) — 3.5%

wikibot Function public.getmanagedservicecountforintf Source CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.getmanagedservicecountforintf(integer, character varying) RETURNS double precision LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE nid ALIAS FOR $1; ipid ALIAS FOR $2; orec RECORD; counter float8; BEGIN counter = 0; FOR orec IN SELECT DISTINCT ifservices.nodeid, ifservices.ipaddr, ifservices.serviceid FROM ipinterface, ifservices WHERE ifservices.nodeid = nid AND ifservices.ipaddr [...]

dbo ufnGetProductListPrice (function) — 2.9%

wikibot Function dbo.ufnGetProductListPrice Description Scalar function returning the list price for a given product on a particular [...]

dbo ufnGetProductStandardCost (function) — 2.9%

wikibot Function dbo.ufnGetProductStandardCost Description Scalar function returning the standard cost for a given product on a particular [...]

dbo ufnGetPurchaseOrderStatusText (function) — 2.9%

wikibot Function dbo.ufnGetPurchaseOrderStatusText Description Scalar function returning the text representation of the Status column in the PurchaseOrderHeader [...]

dbo ufnGetAccountingStartDate (function) — 2.9%

wikibot Function dbo.ufnGetAccountingStartDate Description Scalar function used in the uSalesOrderHeader trigger to set the ending [...]

dbo ufnGetDocumentStatusText (function) — 2.9%

wikibot Function dbo.ufnGetDocumentStatusText Description Scalar function returning the text representation of the Status column in the [...]

dbo ufnGetProductDealerPrice (function) — 2.9%

wikibot Function dbo.ufnGetProductDealerPrice Description Scalar function returning the dealer price for a given product on a particular [...]

dbo ufnGetAccountingEndDate (function) — 2.9%

wikibot Function dbo.ufnGetAccountingEndDate Description Scalar function used in the uSalesOrderHeader trigger to set the starting [...]

dbo ufnLeadingZeros (function) — 2.9%

wikibot Function dbo.ufnLeadingZeros Description Scalar function used by the Sales.Customer table to help set the [...]

dbo ufnGetSalesOrderStatusText (function) — 2.9%

wikibot Function dbo.ufnGetSalesOrderStatusText Description Scalar function returning the text representation of the Status column in the SalesOrderHeader [...]

OE CATALOG_TYP (type) — 2.3%


OE GET_PHONE_NUMBER_F (function) — 2.3%


Production Product (table) — 1.7%

[...] Select Procedure dbo.uspGetBillOfMaterials Select Procedure dbo.uspGetWhereUsedProductID Select Function dbo.ufnGetProductDealerPrice Select Function [...]


[...] UNDER category_typ ( subcategory_ref_list subcategory_ref_list_typ , OVERRIDING MEMBER FUNCTION category_describe RETURN VARCHAR2 ) NOT FINAL;TYPE BODY composite_category_typ AS OVERRIDING MEMBER FUNCTION [...]

Sales SalesOrderHeader (table) — 1.2%

[...] Trigger uSalesOrderHeader Execute Procedure dbo.uspPrintError Trigger uSalesOrderHeader Execute Function dbo.ufnGetAccountingEndDate Trigger uSalesOrderHeader Execute Function [...]

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