Column | Data Type | Nullable | Default | Description |
VendorID | int | not null | | Primary key for Vendor records. |
AccountNumber | dbo.AccountNumber | not null | | Vendor account (identification) number. |
Name | dbo.Name | not null | | Company name. |
CreditRating | tinyint | not null | | 1 = Superior, 2 = Excellent, 3 = Above average, 4 = Average, 5 = Below average |
PreferredVendorStatus | dbo.Flag | not null | ((1)) | 0 = Do not use if another vendor is available. 1 = Preferred over other vendors supplying the same product. |
ActiveFlag | dbo.Flag | not null | ((1)) | 0 = Vendor no longer used. 1 = Vendor is actively used. |
PurchasingWebServiceURL | nvarchar(1024) | null | | Vendor URL. |
ModifiedDate | datetime | not null | (getdate()) | Date and time the record was last updated. |