Column | Data Type | Nullable | Default | Description / PK / Index |
SalesOrderID | int | not null | | Primary key. PK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderID |
RevisionNumber | tinyint | not null | ((0)) | Incremental number to track changes to the sales order over time.
OrderDate | datetime | not null | (getdate()) | Dates the sales order was created.
DueDate | datetime | not null | | Date the order is due to the customer.
ShipDate | datetime | null | | Date the order was shipped to the customer.
Status | tinyint | not null | ((1)) | Order current status. 1 = In process; 2 = Approved; 3 = Backordered; 4 = Rejected; 5 = Shipped; 6 = Cancelled
OnlineOrderFlag | dbo.Flag | not null | ((1)) | 0 = Order placed by sales person. 1 = Order placed online by customer.
SalesOrderNumber | | | | Unique sales order identification number. AK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderNumber |
PurchaseOrderNumber | dbo.OrderNumber | null | | Customer purchase order number reference.
AccountNumber | dbo.AccountNumber | null | | Financial accounting number reference.
CustomerID | int | not null | | Customer identification number. Foreign key to Customer.CustomerID. IX_SalesOrderHeader_CustomerID |
ContactID | int | not null | | Customer contact identification number. Foreign key to Contact.ContactID.
SalesPersonID | int | null | | Sales person who created the sales order. Foreign key to SalesPerson.SalePersonID. IX_SalesOrderHeader_SalesPersonID |
TerritoryID | int | null | | Territory in which the sale was made. Foreign key to SalesTerritory.SalesTerritoryID.
BillToAddressID | int | not null | | Customer billing address. Foreign key to Address.AddressID.
ShipToAddressID | int | not null | | Customer shipping address. Foreign key to Address.AddressID.
ShipMethodID | int | not null | | Shipping method. Foreign key to ShipMethod.ShipMethodID.
CreditCardID | int | null | | Credit card identification number. Foreign key to CreditCard.CreditCardID.
CreditCardApprovalCode | varchar(15) | null | | Approval code provided by the credit card company.
CurrencyRateID | int | null | | Currency exchange rate used. Foreign key to CurrencyRate.CurrencyRateID.
SubTotal | money | not null | ((0.00)) | Sales subtotal. Computed as SUM(SalesOrderDetail.LineTotal)for the appropriate SalesOrderID.
TaxAmt | money | not null | ((0.00)) | Tax amount.
Freight | money | not null | ((0.00)) | Shipping cost.
TotalDue | | | | Total due from customer. Computed as Subtotal + TaxAmt + Freight.
Comment | nvarchar(128) | null | | Sales representative comments.
rowguid | uniqueidentifier | not null | (newid()) | ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. AK_SalesOrderHeader_rowguid |
ModifiedDate | datetime | not null | (getdate()) | Date and time the record was last updated.